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The beginning of the twentieth century. New technologies allow man to conquer nature. Science pushes the boundaries of the possible.
Famous engineer Garin claimed to have invented the ray gun. She can punch mines in the Arctic to extract minerals that are currently inaccessible. Funds are needed to build the cannon.
To get the money, Garin set up a new type of airship powered by electricity. The engineer himself controls the airship. He invited the press on board, and put the tickets on free sale. Taking weapons is prohibited. Airship route: New York - North Pole - Paris.
On the first night of the flight, Garin showed off a pocket prototype of his ray gun. It fires a thin beam capable of cutting through a sheet of steel.
The airship is approaching the North Pole.
Among the passengers are the famous illusionists Amadeus and Gabriel. The one who shows the best trick will receive a free tour around the world from Garin. Today Amadeus announced that he would enter the library, the audience would lock him up with three locks, and in half an hour he would come out without opening them. Moreover, he will place another person there - Dr. Dassin.
The library was examined, no secret passages were found, Amadeus was locked in it at 17:00. Exactly at 17:30 Amadeus was in the cabin. But suddenly Gabriel declared that he had figured out the trick of Amadeus and surpassed him. He swapped Dassin and Garin, so there should be an engineer in the library now.
The locks were intact. The door was opened. In the library, indeed, was the engineer Garin. But he was dead! You have to solve the mystery of the engineer's death.The cost of the game for a team of 7 to 10 people - from 4000 to 14000 hryvnia
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